* Shopping for Sun - First off, creams or gels work the best for me, especially tinted ones. The sprays are "cleaner" but you run the risk of missing areas as you cannot see where the spray settles. The aerosol sprays tend to be costlier and don't yield as many applications as a cream or gel. As for color choices, here is my theory: "Isn't the reason you are buying the tanner to be darker?" If you are going to buy a self-tanner, don't piddle away your pennies on the "light" version, always choose either a "medium" or "dark" tint level. Go medium if you are fair skinned or if it's your first time using a self-tanner. My favorites include Loreal Sublime and Banana Boat, both in "dark." If you are simply petrified of looking like an Oompaloompa, or worse yet, Paris Hilton, their are moisturizers on the market that offer a HINT of self-tanner. The results are extremely subtle and take anywhere from 6 to 8 days to develop, but they are a nice introduction to the world of self-tanning. Jergens, Nivea and Neutrogena are my top three picks for moisturizing tint!
* Ready, Set, Exfoliate! - It's important to slough off all the dead skin and rough patches from your body so the tanner may develop evenly. A shower pouf with drizzle of body wash or a handful of baking soda in the shower work well for exfoliating all areas of the body. In addition to giving your self a nice scrub down before your bronze up, shave! By removing your hair you are giving the tanner a clean, smooth slate to develop on all while increasing its staying power. If you self-tan THEN shave, you new tan will be shaved away, with stubble and bubbles down the drain!
* Don't Be Shy, Just Apply! - Post shower and shave is the best time to apply your self-tanner. While still in your birthday suit, lather a thick layer of plain, non-tinted lotion or moisturizer all over your nail beds on your hands and feet as well as your elbows and knees. The lotion will serve as a "barrier cream" and prevent color from building up in these traditionally thicker and rougher places of the body. Start with a half-dollar size amount self-tanner on your hands and work from your feet up. Apply more as needed, paying close attention to even application. Areas you don't want to forget are the tops of your feet, backs of your thighs, underarms, and your back. Last but not least, don't forget your face. If it's your first time with a tanner you may want to leave your face out until you see how the tanner develops on the rest of your body. As with any product, keep out of your eyes and blend thoroughly into your hair line. Allow your tanner to dry and then wash your hands immediately, removing all of the tanner from your palms. I then usually squirt a dab of tanner on the top of my hands and rub the tops together, avoiding my palms. This will give your hands a nice, even glow as well.
* Main"TAN"ance - "It will rub lotion on its skin." Sorry, I couldn't resist using my favorite movie quote! Heed the advice however and moisturize everyday to pro-long your glorious glow. If you would like to go darker, repeat these tanning tips until you develop the color you so desire. Eventually, just as the winter, your tan will fade and it will be time to start the process all over again!
I hope you can use all these tips on tube tanning, my little golden goddesses to be! Send us pics on your faux glow!
Be sure to stay tuned, dahlin's!